TOP 20+ TCS Technical HR Interview Questions for Fresher

TOP 20+ TCS Technical HR Interview Questions for Fresher

TOP 20+ TCS Technical HR Interview Questions for Fresher | In this Post we talk about TCS Company Interview questions for  Digital. 

TOP 20+ TCS Technical HR Interview Questions for Fresher | In this Post we talk about Top 20+ Common TCS Company Interview questions for fresher in Techinal And Digital TCS Interview Questions and Answers.

TCS (Tata Consultancy Service) Limited is one amongst largest IT ( Information Technology ) company in india which deals in consultancy service and knowledge technology. it's TCS main  headquartered in Mumbai, India. 

TCS is ranked 64th overall within the World's Most Innovative Companies, making it the highest-ranked IT services company and also the top Indian company in 2015.

TCS is that the world's 2nd largest IT services provider Company. In 2017, TCS is ranked TOP 10 on the India 500 list. In April 2018, TCS became the primary Indian IT company to cross $100 billion capitalisation.

TCS Comapny Interview Recruitment Process

TCS Company Job conducts in 3 rounds to selection of fresher as Software Developer in their organization.

Step 1 : Atitude test
Step 2 : Technical interview
Step 3 : HR interview

The Job Requirement starts with a written test followed by a 1 on one interview. 

In Some Students could also be Conduct word. Sometime the written aggregate of 75 for college kids, and sometime they were allowed appear directly one on one  interview without a written test for freshers students.

TCS in Technical candidates or freshers students are normally asked interview questions on project and technology based within which they're trained and simply work.

TCS technical Interview Questions

1) What is Static Variable in C Programming Language? 

Static int i;

A static variable remain in memory while the program is running. A normal or auto variable destroyed when a function call where the variable was declared is over. 

Static variable are allocated memory in data segment, not stack segment. 

Static variable  are initialized as 0 if not initialized explicitly. 

Static variable should not be declared inside in structure. The reason is C compiler requires the entire structure elements to be placed together. 

i.g. memory allocation for structure members should be contiguous. 

2) What are the different type of inheritance?  

1. Single inheritance 
2. Mutiple inheritance
3. Multi Level Inheritance 
4. Multi Path Inheritance 
5. Hierarchical Inheritance
6. Hybrid Inheritance 

3) What is Different Between Array and Likedlist?

Array are index based data structure, where each elements associated with an index 

Liked list is based on references where each node consists of the data and references to the previous and next elements. 

Both  Liked list and Array are used to store linear data of similar type.  But an array consume contiguous memory allocated at the compile time. 

While for a liked list, memory is assigned as and when data is added to it, which means at runtime. 

Accesing elements in an array is fast woth constant time complexity of 0(1).

While accessing nth elements of a liked list, time complexity is 0(n).

4) What is cloud computing?

Cloud computing is the on - demand availability of the computer system resource, especially data storage and computing power, without direct active management by users. 

5) What is memory leak in C programing languag?

A memory leak occurs when programmer create a memory in the heap and forget to delete it. It decreases the efficiency of the performance of the system. 

6) What are the difference between a c++ struct and c++ class? 

The C++ Struct has all the features of the class. The only differences are that struct defaults to public member access and public base class inheritance, and a class defaults to the private access specifier and private based class inheritance. 

7) What do you meant by static and dynamic modeling? 

Static modeling is used to specify structure of the objects that exist in the problem domain.  These are expressed using class,  object and USECASE diagram. 

Dynamic modeling refers representing the object inheritances during runtime. It is represented by sequence, activities, collaboration and statechart diagram. 

8) Which C++ libraries are useful for competitive programming? 

C++ STL :  STL constraints lots of contraints which are useful for different purposes. 

Vector : Dynamic Sized Array that allows insertions  and deletions without caring of size of the array.

It is access and cache friendliness. C++ vector supports many additional operations. Like erase(), push front(), insert() etc. 

9) What is OOPs? 

OOPs  Object Oriented Programming  or  OOP refers to languages that uses object in programming.

The main aim of OOP is to bind together the data and the functions that operate on them so that no other part the code can access this data expect that function. 

10) What is Class and Object? 

Class : Class is Blueprint for creating particular data structure, providing initial values for state and implementations of behavior. 

Object : Object is an instance of a class which has the structure of blueprint but also owns its unique state and behavior. 

11) What is Abstraction and Inheritance? 

Abstraction : Abtraction means that each object should only expose a high level mechanism for using it.  This mechanism, should hide  internal implementation detail. 

Inheritance  : Object are often similar. They share common logic With inheritance , the child class resues all resues all fields and methods pf the parent class and cam implement it own. 

12) What is Polymorphism?

Polymorphism means "many shapes". It gives a way to use a class exactly like its parent, but each class keeps its own methods as they are. 

13) What is social control of databases, joins, and keys?

Normalization is method of organizing knowledge in Associate in Nursing  passing information with efficiency. 

2 goals of the social control method are: to eliminate redundant knowledge (for example, storing the identical knowledge in extra than one table) Associate in Nursingd  conjointly guarantee knowledge dependencies add up (only storing connected knowledge in an passing table).

These each square measure necessary as they cut back the quantity of house a information consumes and confirm that knowledge is logically keep.

14) What square measure loops?

Loops square measure used to execute block of statement many times in Associate in Nursing passing program relying upon the conditional statement. 

The essential structure of a circuit is given higher than among the diagram. for each no-hit execution of the loop, the conditional statement ought to be checked. If the conditional statement is true, then the circuit square measure dead. 

If the conditional statement is faux, then the course square measure terminated.

15). justify regarding Joins, Views, social control, Triggers?

The be a part of keyword is used in Associate in Nursing SQL statement to question knowledge from 2 or additional tables, supported a relationship between specific columns in these tables.

Tables in Associate in Nursing passing information square measure usually related to each other with keys.

A read may well be a virtual table. a look contains rows and columns, a small amount sort of a true table. 

The fields in Associate in Nursing passing image square measure fields from one or additional real tables among the information.

You can add SQL functions, WHERE, and be a part of statements to a read and gift the data as if the data were returning from one single table.

16) List totally different blessings of software package Improved knowledge sharing.

The list of many blessings of direction System:

Improved knowledge security.
Better knowledge integration.
Minimized knowledge inconsistency.
Improved knowledge access.
Improved deciding.
Increased end-user productivity.

17) what is direction System?

A direction System may well be a package used for making and managing databases.
Software package create it attainable for the highest user to create and maintain databases. 

software package provides Associate in Nursing interface between the highest user/application and conjointly the databases.

18) what is information Schema?

The formal definition of the information schema may well be a collection of formulas (sentences) known as integrity constraints obligatory on a information.

19) What square measure the conditional statements?

The conditional statements will instead be 
 known as as conditional expression conjointly.

Conditional comments square measure the set of rules that were dead if a particular condition is true.

It's usually mentioned Associate in Nursing if-then statement as a result of if the state is true, then the statement is dead.

20) what is the distinction between the foreign key and reference key?

Reference secret is that the initial key that is documented among the opposite table (linked via the alternative tables Foreign Key). 

Foreign secret is however you connect the second table to the primary tables Primary Key (or Reference Key).

21) what is the distinction and similarity between C and C++?

C++ has categories whereas C didn't have categories.

C does not support operate overloading. In C, for input or output, we tend to use functions like gets(), puts(), scanf(), printf(), etc

C does not support exception handling.

22) Thestructural  distinction  between  electronic  image and b-tree index? 

It is product of branch nodes and leaf nodes. Branch nodes hold prefix key price along side the link to the leaf node and conjointly the leaf nodes contain the indexed price and rowed.

It consists simply of bits for every single distinct price. It uses a string of bits to find rows in Associate in Nursing passing table quickly. it's used to index low cardinality columns.

23) what is the distinction between a Clustered index and non-clustered index?

Clustered Index: Only one per table. Faster to scan than non clustered as knowledge is physically keep in index order.

Non-Clustered Index : Can be used ton of times per table. Quicker for insert and update operations than a clustered index.

24) Diffrentiate between socket and session?

Socket is that the mix of scientific discipline address and Port variety (in pairs).

The session may well be a Logical property between the supply and destination.

25) what is Associate in Nursing array?

An array may well be a group of comparable parts. For Associate in Nursing array, the specified condition is that the data variety of all the weather among the array should be same. 

The declaration of Associate in Nursing array in C++ is as follows:

int a[10];

This defines Associate in Nursing array whose name may well be a and has 10 parts from index 0-9.

TOP 25+ TCS HR Interview Questions

  • Tell me about yourself
  • What are your strength?
  • What are your weaknesses?
  • Tell me about something that's not on your resume. 
  • How do you adjust with failure? 
  • How do you handle sucess? 
  • Do you consider yourself successful? Why? 
  • How do you handle stress and pressure? 
  • How would you describe yourself? 
  • Describe Your Work style
  • Do you work well with other people? 
  • Do you take work home with you? 
  • How are you different from other candidates? 
  • How do you view yourself?whom do you compare yourself to? 
  • How does this job fit in with your career plan? 
  • How would you adjust to working for a new company? 
  • How would your co-workers describe your personality?
  • Is there anything else we should know about you? 
  • What motivates you? 
  • Are you a Self- motivator? 
  • What do you find are the most difficult decisions to make? 
  • What has been the greatest disappointtment in your life? 
  • What are you passionate about? 
  • What are your hobbies? 
  • What is your dream job? 
  • What will you miss most about your last job? 
  • What won't you miss about your last job? 

Questions #1 Tell me about yourself

"After Completing my engineering,  I did a diploma in management,  as I wanted to be aware of the managerial aspects of work as well. 

I'm the youngest in a family of four children and my parents are both in government jobs. 

I hail from a small town in U.P, and I haven't been many places,  but i wish to travel more and see the world. 

My hobbies include Listening to music, playing guitar and doing some volunteer work"

Questions #2 What are your strengths?

Talk about things within you that give you confidence. 

"I think my biggest strength is my dedication to whatever I'm doing.  I pride myself on my power od concentration"... 

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